Saturday, June 28, 2008

Army research : Human Dimension

Situational Understanding as an Enabler:

The purpose of the ARL Situational Understanding as an Enabler for Unit of Action Maneuver Teams Army Technology Objective is to develop, demonstrate, and transition UoA soldier information system interface solutions that address differences in the way soldiers gain situational understanding and enable planning and acting within the adversary's decision cycle.

Technology for Human Robot Interaction (HRI) in Soldier-Robot Teaming:
The purpose of the Technology for HRI in Soldier Robot Teaming Army Technology Objective is to reduce workload and improve combat performance for the soldier-robot team through a better understanding of the human dimension, resulting in improved interface and adaptive soldier support technologies scalable to FFW FCS multi-mission environments.

Soldier Centered Design Tools for the Future Force:

The purpose of this program is to augment ARL human performance modeling tools to represent system level human performance tradeoffs at the system of systems level for command, control, and communications (C3); level of automation; interface modality; and workload.

Soldier Centered Analyses for the Future Force:

The purpose of this program is to conduct soldier-centered analyses to ensure that manpower requirements, workload, and skill demands are considered collectively and systematically, thus avoiding information and physical task overload and taking maximum advantage of aptitudes, individual and collective training, and numbers of soldiers for an affordable Future Force.

For more information about ARL, please contact the Public Affairs Office:
U.S. Army Research LaboratoryATTN: AMSRD-ARL-O-PA2800 Powder Mill RdAdelphi, MD 20783-1197
Public Affairs Office: (301) 394-3590Media Inquiries: (301) 394-4456
Community Relations: (301) 394-4456email: